Tuesday 10 May 2011

Important Links

 Here are some important links:

YouTube Channel
Twitter (Unofficial)
Facebook (Unofficial)
Last FM (Official)
MySpace (Official)
Spotify (Collide Official)

Aisling's Blog
Cara's Blog
Catherine's Blog

How everything was tied in...

Ok, I thought it was important to do a post on how the entire project fitted together. We talked about this in the evaluation, but I think it deserved a blog post too!

Pensive Images
These are two images, the first from the header of the website and the second is one of the sides of the album cover. Both shots were taken in the photoshoot. These photographs are different intentionally, as it makes the project that little bit more interesting. Both of these images were the main images used in the two medias.
Also, the first image is a mixture of two images which have been edited on photoshop. My camera did not focus on Emmet's face and the page at the same time, so the two images were combined into one.

Blurred lights images
The following three parts show how the entire project was tied together using the blurred lights effect.

These are two images from the music video. The blurred image originally came from footage taken on the filming days at the Christmas/Continental market. I then took still shots of this and used them on the other two medias.


 This is an image of the final website. As you can see, the blurred lights image was used as a background for the website.

Also, one of the six sides of the digipak was dedicated to the blurred lights image. I placed some lyrics over the top of the picture too and this was the final link to the two other medias.

Bricks Imaging
Another link between medias was the use of the bricks theme in the website and digipak. The second image was used in the digipak as the side that holds the CD and the first image is of the web links I designed for the website.


The Punchbag Productions Crew

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Describe the ways in which your production work was informed by research into real media texts and how your ability to use such research for production development over time

For our portfolio, my media studies group of four girls collectively known as punchbag productions created a music video. We made the decision to use “Seasons Reverse” by Skip Moses, a relatively unknown singer-songwriter though it was proving to be very difficult to find out any information on the artist and consequently, sourcing suitable media texts was problematic as we didn’t know much about the style of the artist. We were successful in contacting his record label- Small Town America and got permission to use his song but got no further information. 
Punchbag productions made a change of plans and chose a more common song called “Collide” by Howie Day.  It has been featured in many popular TV episodes including Ghost Whisperer, Scrubs, ER, Bones, One True Hill, Smallville, Lost and Grey’s Anatomy. Watching these episodes has helped indicate the meaning of the song- to imply the adversity involved between to people in a relationship, which is what we used for our theme. 
Our group liked the storyline of Taylor Swift’s song ‘Mine’ with the memories and the fight and decided it would relate well to the music. Some clips of our video are comparable and we were concerned that it would appear to be a superficial storyboard and look very narrative; we wanted to add some fascinating cuts to make it more attention-grabbing. OkGo, a band widely known for its genius videos provided us with inspiration to use stop motion. 
Ross Copperman, like Howie Day is famous for his sweeping melodies and spacious choruses with a touching voice which bestows an intimacy that makes his songs feel similar to the listener. From his website and album covers we identified what theme we could use to present Howie and appeal to a similar audience. His album covers look original, lacking any technical effects just like his music suggesting its purity. 
I consider James Blunt to be a similar artist who we took inspiration from. His album cover “All the Lost Souls” includes a centre shot of Blunt with an acoustic guitar propped up beside him, this highlights the fact that he personally wrote the song and played the instruments himself, hence making his music seem more authentic and genuine.
When researching singer-songwriters, I came across Lily Allen; her music, videos, album covers and website were different to the theme we were attempting to create for Howie. The use of bright colours, extravagant clothing and technical effects are vibrant and flamboyant, in comparison to the style of Howie Day which is more realistic and modest.  
We attempted to achieve the same themes as James blunt and Ross Copperman in our photo-shoot by having a 18-year old boy –our Howie Day, sit in a make-shift studio playing the guitar and writing songs. Both of these artists express a relaxed atmosphere and we attempted to do the same for our album cover. The setting for our photo-shoot was a red brick wall which was surrounded by fairy lights and gave a soft glow making it visually attractive as it added a sense of warmth. I realised that lighting can have a great impact on the outlook of the production when I watched the video speed of sound by Coldplay.
The speakers stacked up along with the tangled up cables implies a relaxed studio-like feel in a home atmosphere. There were also photos pinned up on the wall behind Howie, an idea that we took from James Blunt and John Mayer album covers. 
Our Howie Day matched the verisimilitude of the song as well as all the similar artists we investigated, a casual look with a checked shirt, jeans and converse.
Overall, I believe our research on all media texts had a great impact on our entire portfolio, some singer-songwriters highlighted what themes weren’t appropriate and others offered a lot of guidance and suggestions which helped us to develop an accurate representation of the song. The TV episodes also proposed a suitable storyboard. 
Our core source for all our research was on the internet; using Wikipedia to delve into the artists’ background, Last.fm for similar artists, blogs for reviews, and the official websites of the other artists and of course YouTube which provided us with visual ideas as well as instruction on things such as the wire frame with the four screens.
Without researching anything, our work would of taken a lot more time and we may of ended up with an inappropriate video.

Friday 29 April 2011


We filmed the evaluation yesterday which went well and Catherine and I are currently editing it all using Final Cut Pro. At the minute the evaluation is looking very long - I guess we had a lot to talk about!
Anyway, we're hoping to have the evaluation completely finished by the end of the week, fingers crossed!

Also, I'm very happy with the website. I used Photoshop a lot to create logos and link buttons. The font is from dafont.com and I was careful to use the right colour scheme, i.e. black/orange/yellow/white/light yellow/grey/brick red colours to match with the digipak and video.
The background is a still from the video:

and the rest of the theme is simple. For the header I used one of the images from the photoshoot. Also, we have links to Facebook, myspace and Twitter. There is a 'like' button along the sidebar as well as a Twitter feed I found online.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Production update

Currently we are busy working towards the end of our production work. We are putting in final effects to our video using Final Cut Pro and just finishing off our website filling it with content such as latest news about Howie and tour dates. We also want to add in a listening tool so fans can hear Collide and decide if they would like to buy the album using our iTunes link! We have also added a live feed to the Twitter account we have created for Howie and a tool for fans to sign up to his news letter. The digipak is finished and looking great so the only thing left is our evaluation video which we will have finished tomorrow.

- Cara

Monday 18 April 2011

Website content.

Ideas to fill up the homepage of our website:

Howie Day to play 16/12 blah blah
Listen function
'New album out now' and picture
Mailing list
iTunes - buy now
'Click here to watch interview'
little icon for Punchbag, like record company

Tuesday 29 March 2011

audience response video

Here is the link to the footage of our audience feedback for the album artwork and rough edit of the video. It can also be found on the left hand side of our blog with our other youtube videos. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYDk3B0YBW8 - Cara

Digipak Design

Today I pretty much finished the design of the digipak. I managed to use lot of photos from our photoshoot and the overall theme has turned out nicely and I know it will go well with the website and video as long as we keep it consistant and use the same photos, font and colouring.
The digipak has 6 sides and I used 5 photos from our photoshoot plus a still of one of the videos we took in the continental market, because it ties everything in together. I put some lyrics of Collide onto one of the sides.
I used Photoshop to design the digipak and I downloaded the digipak template from http://www.duplication.ca/printspecs/digipack.htm


Tuesday 22 March 2011

Audience response

Pictures from our audience response session about the album artwork and rough edit of the music video. Here you can see our panel picking their favourite images they think would be best for the album cover and their positive response to our music video. I'm currently uploading the full footage to YouTube so it will be here soon.

- Cara

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Results from audience feedback

We got great responses from our group, Ellen, Colleen, Thomas, Tim and James. They were enthusiastic and gave us insight into how our peers would react to our video and album artwork. We printed out pictures from our photoshoot, laid them out and the group picked their favourites. They loved the colours and layout of the photos but some felt more inclined towards shots of Emmet looking away or looking towards camera.
Overall, everyone was impressed with a certain close up shot of the guitar, lights, speakers and brick wall that we are going to use at the back of the album, they thought it looked very professional which was nice to hear! We also asked a few more people what they thought in order to get a wider perspective, they went for roughly the same shots with some leaning towards the ones where Emmet is writing instead of playing guitar, some of them felt they looked slightly staged. All this was really useful information and it has helped us in deciding what album cover to use.

We also showed a rough edit of our music video to the first group and they told us it would be great once editing was finished and a few things were tweaked. They liked the idea of the memories and laughed along with the funny memories at the Continental Market (mostly because they know our actors well). They were impressed by our stop motion saying it looked professional. They gave us great constructive criticism which gave us confidence in our work so far and we're striving to get the finishing touches done.

Photos and video uploaded soon
- Cara

Monday 14 March 2011

Audience Feedback

We're currently picking photographs to print out for our audience feedback that we intend to get filmed today or tomorrow.
We have a rough edit of our film which we are going to show a selective group of people with different personalities to get a different range of feedback and constructive criticism.
We hope to film in the lunch room and are going to prepare a small Questionnaire giving our audience a chance to give us some feedback to improve on or what they personally liked about our rough edit.
We shall be uploading the feedback this week along with some feedback in the Questionnaires or perhaps just scan them on. We have not decided. Hopefully all goes well and we have a large variety of different feedbacks. (:

Eilisha x

Friday 11 March 2011

Similar Artist- Gavin DeGraw

I think the genre of Gavin is similar to that of Howie, they also base their lyrics on the theme of their personal relationships.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

The meaning of the song "Collide"

Howie Day
Published on October 22, 2006 By Dusk411 In Music

Album: Stop All The World Now
Year: 2004

Howie Day’s relationship with his girlfriend is nearly over in the contemplating ballad “Collide.”

A brooding guitar and doleful strings open the single, setting a pensive tone. In the first verse, he says it’s about 8 a.m. Next to him, his girlfriend is snoring and unconscious. She never hears the alarm clock. He reaches over her and shuts it off. As usual, he slept with his arms around her. She has her arms outstretched on the pillow. It may be a small thing, but it concerns him. He thinks it’s a sign that she doesn’t want to be affectionate with him anymore. He continues to say he tells her everything and keeps her informed of his activities. However, just last night she told him she’s going out with her friends on a weekend trip in five days. Although she’s loyal, he believes she will leave him if someone better came along. Seeing her face break out into a smile is the highlight of many of his days and to lose it would shatter him.

“The dawn is breaking/A light shining through/You're barely waking/And I'm tangled up in you/Yeah/I'm open, you're closed/Where I follow, you'll go/I worry I won't see your face/Light up again.”

In the chorus, he says even great relationships get rough after a while. The bitterness behind the words keeps the conversation flowing, despite the hurt it may cause. He wonders if they should be together. The conflicts have been short but frequent over the past couple months.
“Even the best fall down sometimes/Even the wrong words seem to rhyme/Out of the doubt that fills my mind/I somehow find/You and I collide.”

In the second verse, he says he’s not talkative. It’s a quality she said she liked in him. However, that was when they first starting dating. Now, she glares him, resenting him for not speaking more. He doesn’t want to know the negative things she’s been thinking about him.
“I'm quiet you know/You make a first impression/I've found I'm scared to know I'm always on your mind.”

In the second chorus, he says there are some black days without any hope. However, when she’s not around him, she’s happier and returns to the girl he first met.
“Even the best fall down sometimes/Even the stars refuse to shine/Out of the back you fall in time/I somehow find/You and I collide.”

In the bridge, he beseeches her to keep trying and not give up. He isn’t sure where he’s going and confused about the future. He needs her around for moral support.
“Don’t stop here/I lost my place/I’m close behind.”

The doleful strings have a solo.

In the third verse, he says she’s wondering about the state of their relationship also. She’s realized they’ve grown apart. The frown on her face says it all as she moved her pillow and blanket into the living room. Within a week, she will be gone from his life.
“Even the best fall down sometimes/Even the wrong words seem to rhyme/Out of the doubt that fills your mind/You finally find/You and I collide/You finally find/You and I collide/You finally find/You and I collide.”

At first, Day thought her anger towards him was the result of her job. But during the two years they’ve been dating, she’s since quit the job and working at another, where she is flourishing. She doesn’t try to find activities for them to do anymore as a couple and their sex life is nonexistent. Their relationship is destroyed, he believes, for his stoic demeanor.

Day’s willful, quenchless vocals are desperate and withdrawn. It’s his fault for being inscrutuable and difficult to get to know. Now, that he’s opened up to her, it’s too late. The distress is more than he can bear. He wants her to stay.

The reserved arrangement represses and evades from emotion, isolating in its own self-pity.

Official websites of singer/songwriters

To get an idea of what our website should have and appropriate themes I browsed through various websites. Using screenium, I was able to take a 30sec recording of each of the websites which I exported onto youtube and then posted here on the blog.
I find it useful as it to show how the use of links, video etc

TYLER HILTON: http://www.tylerhilton.com/

JAMES BLUNT: http://www.jamesblunt.com/

DANIEL BEDINGFIELD: http://www.danielbedingfield.com

IAIN ARCHER:http://www.iainarcher.co.uk/

HOWIE DAY: http://www.howieday.com/

This is the official website of Howie Day!

Sunday 6 March 2011


Editing is going well at the minute, Cara has done a good bit of editing and we are well on track! Catherine and I are currently using Final Cut Pro on the Mac to create the 'Split Screen' effect, which is going well. Next up we're hoping to sync the music to Emmets mouthing of the words. Hopefully we'll have this done soon and we'll be able to piece the whole thing together!
I'll be working on the website this week as well as working on Photoshop to edit some of the photographs for our Digipak, it looks like everything is coming together now!

Friday 25 February 2011


Just a quick update that editing is going well! I'm compiling all the footage together, adding effects and transitions to make it smooth and flow well. This way we can work out how the storyline is going to look when its put together and hopefully it will make sense. I'm adding extra effects to the memories to make them look like a 'dream'.

- Cara

Monday 21 February 2011

We just did some filming to get one of the last shots done. It was the shot of Emma walking away from Steven's house looking upset. We tried a few different angles to give us a range of choices.

Hopefully we'll get a lot of editing done now over the next few days!

Friday 11 February 2011


This weekend I'll be going back to our first filming location (Steven's house) to finish off our indoor scenes after the big fight. All we need is shots of Steven looking upset and reminissing over memories with Emma, this will then lead on to the stop motion. On Wednesday we will get shots of Emma looking angry and enraged and hopefully if all goes well filming will be finished!
- Cara

Monday 7 February 2011

Similar Artist - Ross Copperman

These are Ross Coppermans' album covers. 

Ross Copperman was born on October 1st, 1982 and grew up in Virginia.
The first single he released in the UK, "As I Choke", managed to be the most popular iTunes Single Of The Week in the UK, notching up 36,457 downloads in a one-week period.
His second single, and the one that made him known was "All I Wrote", entered the UK top 40 in May 2007, and was featured in a couple of instances in TV in the USA.
I think that the theme that Ross Copperman represents is similar to the one we are attempting to achieve for Howie Day and it is something that we can learn from. Our group also wants to use a colour scheme similar to the covers above.

Tuesday 1 February 2011

100th Post!!!

To celebrate our 100th post here's a group photograph :D

Photoshoot (:

We've came to an agreement with plans of the photoshoot.
We're using the Nikon D40X SLR camera (:
Our initial idea was to film in a direlect house in Glenavy however the house's roof has collapsed through, to the point where it's physically impossible to get in.
So instead we have decided that we're going to go to Cara's garage and make it look 'scary'. lol
We intend to use props such as candles, up-lighters, red carpet (it's sort of authentic...) and of course have emmet posing with his guitar or sitting simply.
We are now designing the story board for the photographs as there are many representive angles we want to shoot.
We're also going to take a few photos in my band's practice room in 'THE MIDDLE HOUSE, CRUMLIN', upstairs, which is apparently haunted <.<>

Hopefully this all works out in the end and we finish with a very successful and very appropriate photoshoot. (:
- Lish

Monday 31 January 2011

Photo Shoot: planning

We are planning to do a photo shoot with Emmet for the album. Our ideas so far is to take some long shot photos of him wearing a casual clothes such as shirt and jeans while playing the guitar in a vintage setting. Black and white shots would make it even more authentic. Our aim is to get the idea across that his music is acoustic, yet still different and interesting compared to other artists of that genre.

In the meantime we are constructing a story board in order to organise all our ideas and chose which shots would be best to have.
The group also has to consider what the photos we take will be used for: album cover and sleeve, posters and the website so we can plan specific layouts such as where to leave room for text so it is still noticeable but does not take away from the background; it is important that our product is visually appealing. 
We are also exploring various locations for our photo shoot with Emmet. At the weekend I went to this old direlect house to take some photos to show the rest of the group as I think its brick and stone walls would look good with the use of proper lighting and also some small fairy lights in the background. Unfortunately, when i visited it, I realised that it has recently been in a house fire and is blackened with soot making it unsuitable for an effective setting.

Sunday 30 January 2011

Photo shoot

We've been planning locations to shoot pictures for our album cover and website. We considered creating a space to look like a studio and have our Howie Day look like hes recording his album and writing new material or another option is a woodland to tie in with some scenes in our music video as we're trying to create a certain image and theme throughout this project. We'll be keeping in mind our similar artists below for ideas and inspiration. We'll be shooting some time soon and post up what we've done so far.
- Cara

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Email from Dischromatics

Album Cover

We have to decide on album cover for our song. First of all, we have to decide on a theme. I researched some singer/songwriters to find out the general themes they use, there are some examples below:
The fact that the guitar and James blunt are both in the centre shot implies that it is his own music- song writer and singer. The photos on the left on the wall make it more interesting as they underline the fact that the music is for everyone and has no age or gender barriers- photos include pictures of young boys and girls to the elderly etc. This emphasizes that his music is suitable for everyone.
The casual clothes and guitar underlines the genre of the music, acoustic.

I think that this style of album cover is too bright and colourful in relation to the theme of our song. 

I like the colour scheme of this album, the calm blue water against the clear sky makes it look peaceful and calm - representing the style of music which is suitable for when trying to relax.

Using photos in a dark setting with some lighting techniques in our artwork would make the cover more professional and give it a slicker look just like the one above, this is one of the ideas that we have either for the front or back of the album.

Tuesday 25 January 2011


Researching digipaks I came across this website, (Dischromatics.co.uk), which can professionally print out digipaks for us. I have sent them an email already and I'm hoping to receive a reply soon about delivery, cost and graphics. Having our digipak done professionally would really finish off our final product.

Similar artist - Tyler Hilton

Tyler James Hilton (born November 22, 1983) is a singer/songwriter from Palm Springs, California. Hilton released his first major label debut album The Tracks Of Tyler Hilton on Maverick Records September 28, 2004. His first album was self titled and released independently during 2000.
He also plays a recurring role on One Tree Hill as Chris Keller. He plays the role of Elvis Presley in the movie Walk the Line.
Another similar artist, he has a good look we would like for our Howie Day and the all important recurring theme of the black and white picture alongside the acoustic guitar.
- Cara

More inspiration for album artwork

Ryan Frank Cabrera (born July 18, 1982) is an American musician. Cabrera was born in Dallas, Texas. His overall look and image is similar to Howie Day's. His album artwork is along the same lines as our ideas.
- Cara

Monday 24 January 2011

Website using iWeb

We're looking into the other parts of our coursework now, so we can plan ahead what needs to be done.
We've all had a go with iWeb on the Macbook Pros and we have all agreed than it can help us achieve an effective yet simple design for our website, and it can help us provide lots of facilities to Howie's fans, such as links to other Social Networking and Media websites. The above picture is a very quick example of what we will be able to do with iWeb. I think the end product  should be functional and should look professional, and iWebs is great for that.

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Updates to this week

Hey guys
At the start of all this, we had one main problem as to what way we were approaching this project.

We were going head on with the video and not considering the other elements which need to be considered.
Tasks :
1. Complete the website, we have got a general layout as well as a few pages of the site completed but there is still some work to do until we launch it.
2. A small amount of filming : We need a film clip of zooming into a photograph and then the ending scene.
3. We need to design our digipak along with the album art, we are currently researching.
4. We need to take a small photoshoot for further album art and perhaps a small sleeve inside. This would also benefit.
5. We need to look into internet based merchandise as we want to fulfill as many elements of this project as we can.
6. Interview and Behind the scenes videos are to be put up

Stay tuned =D

Inspiration for album artwork

These are examples of album artwork that we are taking inspiration from for our group. We love the idea of a black and white theme throughout our album artwork to create a certain image for our artist. We like the idea of having Howie Day with his signature acoustic guitar and creating a 'studio' to shoot our pictures. I also like the idea of pictures pinned on the wall behind him - much like the album cover for John Mayer's 'Room for Squares'.

- Cara

Friday 18th

As of late, it has been very hard to get group work done as some members are on study leave, doing examinations or have other things to do.
We running close to the due date of our coursework so it is important that we get the rest of our filming for the video completed so we can start editing.
On Friday 18th we have a double class of media studies were we will all be present. Emma is free at this time so hopefully we can go down to Dunmurray and take the shot of her walking along the street; she will be wearing the same clothes and have the same style off hair as a previous shot of her in the house with Steven.

Tuesday 11 January 2011

We've started using Google Apps to manage our production, and so far it's been very useful to us.

We've been using the calendar to manage who is available during exam period and who is not, to ensure that we get as much done as possible over the exam period.

We can also use the documents in this to organise ourselves a bit better.             Please click to enlarge

New ideas!

Just had a lightbulb moment. We're now hoping to stage an interview with Emmet Cummings playing Howie Day, talking about his 'latest release' - Collide. Just something extra to add on to our web page along with a link to our video, tour dates, information and possibly merchandise to sell. Also, we want to add 'Making the Video' with behind the scenes footage for fans to enjoy

- Cara

Sunday 9 January 2011

Wednesday 9th

We are planning on doing the photo-shoot in Cara's garage after school on Wednesday after school.
We have organised all the props that we need for the setting.

These include:
> Fairy lights -these will be wrapped round the wooden beams on the ceiling of the garage. This will look good in the black and white theme.

> Speakers -stacked up in the background with various cables to give a studio-like feel in a home atmosphere. This can appeal to the audience as it looks casual in contrast to a bright, pixelated photo album cover. Fortunately, a member of our group is friendly with a DJ who has given use permission to use his equipment.

> Microphone and guitar
> Emmet

> An asian carpet- to add a vintage look to the setting making it more visually attractive. Most importantly it underlines a sense of warmth in the photo, inviting the consumer in.