Sunday 9 January 2011

Wednesday 9th

We are planning on doing the photo-shoot in Cara's garage after school on Wednesday after school.
We have organised all the props that we need for the setting.

These include:
> Fairy lights -these will be wrapped round the wooden beams on the ceiling of the garage. This will look good in the black and white theme.

> Speakers -stacked up in the background with various cables to give a studio-like feel in a home atmosphere. This can appeal to the audience as it looks casual in contrast to a bright, pixelated photo album cover. Fortunately, a member of our group is friendly with a DJ who has given use permission to use his equipment.

> Microphone and guitar
> Emmet

> An asian carpet- to add a vintage look to the setting making it more visually attractive. Most importantly it underlines a sense of warmth in the photo, inviting the consumer in.

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