Tuesday 15 March 2011

Results from audience feedback

We got great responses from our group, Ellen, Colleen, Thomas, Tim and James. They were enthusiastic and gave us insight into how our peers would react to our video and album artwork. We printed out pictures from our photoshoot, laid them out and the group picked their favourites. They loved the colours and layout of the photos but some felt more inclined towards shots of Emmet looking away or looking towards camera.
Overall, everyone was impressed with a certain close up shot of the guitar, lights, speakers and brick wall that we are going to use at the back of the album, they thought it looked very professional which was nice to hear! We also asked a few more people what they thought in order to get a wider perspective, they went for roughly the same shots with some leaning towards the ones where Emmet is writing instead of playing guitar, some of them felt they looked slightly staged. All this was really useful information and it has helped us in deciding what album cover to use.

We also showed a rough edit of our music video to the first group and they told us it would be great once editing was finished and a few things were tweaked. They liked the idea of the memories and laughed along with the funny memories at the Continental Market (mostly because they know our actors well). They were impressed by our stop motion saying it looked professional. They gave us great constructive criticism which gave us confidence in our work so far and we're striving to get the finishing touches done.

Photos and video uploaded soon
- Cara

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