Friday 29 April 2011


We filmed the evaluation yesterday which went well and Catherine and I are currently editing it all using Final Cut Pro. At the minute the evaluation is looking very long - I guess we had a lot to talk about!
Anyway, we're hoping to have the evaluation completely finished by the end of the week, fingers crossed!

Also, I'm very happy with the website. I used Photoshop a lot to create logos and link buttons. The font is from and I was careful to use the right colour scheme, i.e. black/orange/yellow/white/light yellow/grey/brick red colours to match with the digipak and video.
The background is a still from the video:

and the rest of the theme is simple. For the header I used one of the images from the photoshoot. Also, we have links to Facebook, myspace and Twitter. There is a 'like' button along the sidebar as well as a Twitter feed I found online.

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