Tuesday 10 May 2011

How everything was tied in...

Ok, I thought it was important to do a post on how the entire project fitted together. We talked about this in the evaluation, but I think it deserved a blog post too!

Pensive Images
These are two images, the first from the header of the website and the second is one of the sides of the album cover. Both shots were taken in the photoshoot. These photographs are different intentionally, as it makes the project that little bit more interesting. Both of these images were the main images used in the two medias.
Also, the first image is a mixture of two images which have been edited on photoshop. My camera did not focus on Emmet's face and the page at the same time, so the two images were combined into one.

Blurred lights images
The following three parts show how the entire project was tied together using the blurred lights effect.

These are two images from the music video. The blurred image originally came from footage taken on the filming days at the Christmas/Continental market. I then took still shots of this and used them on the other two medias.


 This is an image of the final website. As you can see, the blurred lights image was used as a background for the website.

Also, one of the six sides of the digipak was dedicated to the blurred lights image. I placed some lyrics over the top of the picture too and this was the final link to the two other medias.

Bricks Imaging
Another link between medias was the use of the bricks theme in the website and digipak. The second image was used in the digipak as the side that holds the CD and the first image is of the web links I designed for the website.


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