Monday 31 January 2011

Photo Shoot: planning

We are planning to do a photo shoot with Emmet for the album. Our ideas so far is to take some long shot photos of him wearing a casual clothes such as shirt and jeans while playing the guitar in a vintage setting. Black and white shots would make it even more authentic. Our aim is to get the idea across that his music is acoustic, yet still different and interesting compared to other artists of that genre.

In the meantime we are constructing a story board in order to organise all our ideas and chose which shots would be best to have.
The group also has to consider what the photos we take will be used for: album cover and sleeve, posters and the website so we can plan specific layouts such as where to leave room for text so it is still noticeable but does not take away from the background; it is important that our product is visually appealing. 
We are also exploring various locations for our photo shoot with Emmet. At the weekend I went to this old direlect house to take some photos to show the rest of the group as I think its brick and stone walls would look good with the use of proper lighting and also some small fairy lights in the background. Unfortunately, when i visited it, I realised that it has recently been in a house fire and is blackened with soot making it unsuitable for an effective setting.

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