Tuesday 30 November 2010

Audience response questions

This is a script for our audience response video because it's difficult to hear at some points.

First group listened to Skip Moses - Seasons Reverse.

What did you think of the song?
"I liked the background music but couldn't understand the words"

Was it because of his accent? Or was it too rushed?
Did you think the vocals were good?
Is it something you would go for?

Would you turn off the radio if it came on?

What artist does this song remind you of?
"Paolo Nutini"

What images do you think of when you hear this song?
"A guy playing guitar in the street"

What emotions do you link with the song?

Why do you think that?
"You can't understand the words, can't hear him."

What do you think of our idea for the video?
"I like it."
"I think it fits with the song"

Would you change the song?
"Yes, intro is too long. Boring"

Would you make any changes to our idea? Add anything?
"No, I think it works well"

The second group listened to Howie Day - Collide

What did you think of this song?
"I really like it"

What does it make you think of?
"It's very deep and meaningful

What about comparing it to our last song?
"Much better than the first one"
"Faster paced"
"You can understand the words"

Is it more hopeful? Not as depressing as the last one?
"Yes, it starts off slow and keeps you on your toes. It makes you want too keep listening"

Is it the kind of song you would listen to?

Would you turn the radio off if it came on?
"Hmm... maybe? It's not that bad though"

What do you think of our idea for the video?
"You can picture it. It fits well with the song."
"It's obvious but not in a bad way, I wouldn't make any changes to it"

After evaluating this feedback we came to the conclusion that our audience preferred Howie Day - Collide and since we all love the song we decided this is what we will use for our video. We hope it's well recieved and we reckon it fits better with our idea.
- Cara

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