Sunday 14 November 2010

Filming session #2: Stop Motion

Ok, so we met up at my house today and done some more for our music video, only we didnt do any filming - we tried stop motion. Today was just to help us evaluate the whole stop-motion idea, i.e. what it looks like, how long it will take us, how to do it and how much work is involved in creating stop-motion. Altogether the day was successful because I think we all had some good ideas and we actually got some decent stop motion pictures. We can't wait now to get the pictures onto our Macbook now to see what it all looks like!


Everyone drew out and explained their own ideas
Catherine and I acting out for some stop-motion pictures
Sharing ideas
We finally decided to try something with the photographs Cara got printed and cut-out hearts

Starting the stop-motion pictures

Eilisha, Cara, Catherine and I all needed to help with the stop motion - it was definately not a one-man job and took surprisingly quite a long time!

Checking the pictures to make sure that we got it right

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