Monday 29 November 2010

Updates to this week

The group went down to film on Friday at the Continental Market at Belfast's City Hall.
An hour of filming took place, and then it was too dark to get much more filming done on account of the lighting in the area.
We won't be able to get a lot done this week, most people are working in the group.
Hopefully this weekend some of us can get together and film (:

We are interested in a shot in a Darwin Deez music video of Radar Detector, which has already been mentioned through this blog but we intend on using it but making the shots relevant to the mood of our video which is quite depressing to be honest throughout before it reaches it's more optimistic ending, (forgetting all the shots of the optimistic memories of course) we still will attempt to keep the mood lifted with the thoughts of their relationship and how much it meant to them.

Radar Detector, in my opinion, is a completely different approach to a music video in comparison to what we have began to create, HOWEVER we do desire to have a few quirky ideas throughout our video, which will consist of aspects like the stop motion at certain points, Reverting angle shots, the desaturated colours in our shots with maybe one or two items in each scene that will have vibrant colour to bring the viewer's eye to the subject in matter and also a few more ideas that we still need to discuss as a group as to whether we will actually go through with it.

We may be going with a superficial storyboard but we are traveling away from that with the idea of stop motion from videos such as OKGo and Darwin himself.
We shall give updates soon (:
Also check out Pez on youtube for his small stop motion video clips =D

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