Friday 3 December 2010

More Ideas

We like the idea of this and would like to add it to our video where Emma and Steven are dancing around with the lights. Obviously it wouldn't be as elaborate as this but I am currently researching on how it is done. I think it would work well after the scenes that we shoot at the weekend at the continental market as it is quite dark and it would be best to do this outside. Planning on only doing a small shot of it as well.

This is the info I got when I searched online:

It doesn’t always have to be exhaustive and frankly-in-need-of-editing yammering about tone, technique and speakers, does it? Sometimes, especially at Christmas, the twinkly season, it could just be some pretty lights. Such as those seen here, where I light-painted, light-doodled or, as X-Factor sponsors Talk Talk would have it, “bright danced” my way around my guitar and amp.
The technique involves setting a digital camera to a long exposure, turning out the lights, triggering the shutter, then darting around the room with a light of some kind, “painting” in the air where you want bright lines to appear. Mini Maglites work well, as do the little LED keychains used here. I also recommend a tripod, some patience, and keen night vision.

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