Wednesday 15 December 2010

Taylor Swift - Mine

I found this video on YouTube, the storyline reminds me of our own storyline, with the memories and fight. In the memories they used different lighting and colouring, which might be useful to us.

Monday 13 December 2010

This Weekend

Hopefully both Steven and Emma will be free to do some filming this weekend as recently they have been unavailable and we have a target to have for filming complete before Christmas so we can start on editing and work on our theme and artwork next term.

What shots/retakes still need to be done:
    - Emma walking down the street distressed (we want to have words coming out behind her as she walks away, this will be accomplished through editing)
    - Steven lifting up/setting down the photo of him and Emma
    - Light graffiti (which can only be used if we have the right device)
    - the camera evolving round Emma (she is upset and possibly in tears)


Yesterday we went to Lady Dixon to get more shots of Emmet singing at different locations in the park and at different points of view. This included a close-up of his face, tapping his foot, sitting on the bench, walking past the camera and leaning against the tree. We just filmed him singing different parts of the song. We made sure that the lip sync is better this time by using portable speakers and an iPod and then played it along while he sung. Unfortunately there was no snow so we have to see if it still works with previous shots we have had in the snow.

We also got some shots of the landscape. Most of them include quick shots of rays of sunlight shinning through branches in trees and some focus pulls. These will be useful for "setting the scene" and making the video look more consistent instead of jumping to all different locations.

Monday 6 December 2010

Location shots - Sunday 5th December

- Cara

Filming on Sunday

Yesterday, myself and our Howie Day (Emmet Cummings) went to Lady Dixon park to film the beginning of our video, some other shots of him singing certain lines and landscape shots that we can weave into our video for transitions and generally to keep it interesting. The weather was beautiful with the sun getting ready to set and untouched snow covering everything. I've uploaded the footage to iMovie just to take a look at it and as a group we're going to decide what shots to use. So far it's looking really good and fits well with the song. Soon we'll start to upload it into Final Cut Pro to edit it and get it looking more professional. :)
- Cara

Friday 3 December 2010

Plans for this weekend

Hey, we are going to film this weekend.
This time we have discovered a new effect we can use with the cameras called 'Light Graffiti.'

Light Graffiti is an art that blends with light painting skills. This method can only be ... by using an application called Adobe Photoshop. Excess and drew graffiti art dalah light makes the picture look more ... art and expression uses the movement of light to create incredible images and is created ... traditional media.

- that's a meaning I researched on the internet from a photography site. I shall post a few more up to show you guys what
sort of thing we are looking for. At the minute the photographs are coming up too
large on the blogger.
More than likely a glitch.

We're using an iPod light in one of the interview rooms to check out which
way we need to approach this effect. We found this video on the internet showing us how it's done, this is how we got the idea. It's basically a slow shutter effect on the camera which lets in more light for longer and somehow in this, picks up the lights as we draw it.
Hopefully the trial turns out ok (:

We're filming in ladydixon this weekend under 'our tree' which lost all of it's leaves D:
So we're taking a few shots of the guy with the guitar and also emma and stephen perhaps lying on a hill looking up at the sky, which we plan to use light graffiti on to draw stars in the sky and a few other things through the video (:

Updates soon (: x

More Ideas

We like the idea of this and would like to add it to our video where Emma and Steven are dancing around with the lights. Obviously it wouldn't be as elaborate as this but I am currently researching on how it is done. I think it would work well after the scenes that we shoot at the weekend at the continental market as it is quite dark and it would be best to do this outside. Planning on only doing a small shot of it as well.

This is the info I got when I searched online:

It doesn’t always have to be exhaustive and frankly-in-need-of-editing yammering about tone, technique and speakers, does it? Sometimes, especially at Christmas, the twinkly season, it could just be some pretty lights. Such as those seen here, where I light-painted, light-doodled or, as X-Factor sponsors Talk Talk would have it, “bright danced” my way around my guitar and amp.
The technique involves setting a digital camera to a long exposure, turning out the lights, triggering the shutter, then darting around the room with a light of some kind, “painting” in the air where you want bright lines to appear. Mini Maglites work well, as do the little LED keychains used here. I also recommend a tripod, some patience, and keen night vision.

Tuesday 30 November 2010

Audience response questions

This is a script for our audience response video because it's difficult to hear at some points.

First group listened to Skip Moses - Seasons Reverse.

What did you think of the song?
"I liked the background music but couldn't understand the words"

Was it because of his accent? Or was it too rushed?
Did you think the vocals were good?
Is it something you would go for?

Would you turn off the radio if it came on?

What artist does this song remind you of?
"Paolo Nutini"

What images do you think of when you hear this song?
"A guy playing guitar in the street"

What emotions do you link with the song?

Why do you think that?
"You can't understand the words, can't hear him."

What do you think of our idea for the video?
"I like it."
"I think it fits with the song"

Would you change the song?
"Yes, intro is too long. Boring"

Would you make any changes to our idea? Add anything?
"No, I think it works well"

The second group listened to Howie Day - Collide

What did you think of this song?
"I really like it"

What does it make you think of?
"It's very deep and meaningful

What about comparing it to our last song?
"Much better than the first one"
"Faster paced"
"You can understand the words"

Is it more hopeful? Not as depressing as the last one?
"Yes, it starts off slow and keeps you on your toes. It makes you want too keep listening"

Is it the kind of song you would listen to?

Would you turn the radio off if it came on?
"Hmm... maybe? It's not that bad though"

What do you think of our idea for the video?
"You can picture it. It fits well with the song."
"It's obvious but not in a bad way, I wouldn't make any changes to it"

After evaluating this feedback we came to the conclusion that our audience preferred Howie Day - Collide and since we all love the song we decided this is what we will use for our video. We hope it's well recieved and we reckon it fits better with our idea.
- Cara

Filming at continental market

Filming on Friday night went really well, we've got a few good shots with our Howie Day played by Emmet Cummings and of course our couple - Steven O'Neill and Emma Catney. We also brought along Danielle McGuigan to help with props. The lights on the trees look great on the footage and we're pleased with the overall look. This Saturday we're hoping to get shots of Emma Catney in a rage with words flying past her head of the argument and hopefully get more shots of Emmet singing and playing guitar. Good times :)
- Cara

Monday 29 November 2010

Updates to this week

The group went down to film on Friday at the Continental Market at Belfast's City Hall.
An hour of filming took place, and then it was too dark to get much more filming done on account of the lighting in the area.
We won't be able to get a lot done this week, most people are working in the group.
Hopefully this weekend some of us can get together and film (:

We are interested in a shot in a Darwin Deez music video of Radar Detector, which has already been mentioned through this blog but we intend on using it but making the shots relevant to the mood of our video which is quite depressing to be honest throughout before it reaches it's more optimistic ending, (forgetting all the shots of the optimistic memories of course) we still will attempt to keep the mood lifted with the thoughts of their relationship and how much it meant to them.

Radar Detector, in my opinion, is a completely different approach to a music video in comparison to what we have began to create, HOWEVER we do desire to have a few quirky ideas throughout our video, which will consist of aspects like the stop motion at certain points, Reverting angle shots, the desaturated colours in our shots with maybe one or two items in each scene that will have vibrant colour to bring the viewer's eye to the subject in matter and also a few more ideas that we still need to discuss as a group as to whether we will actually go through with it.

We may be going with a superficial storyboard but we are traveling away from that with the idea of stop motion from videos such as OKGo and Darwin himself.
We shall give updates soon (:
Also check out Pez on youtube for his small stop motion video clips =D

Thursday 25 November 2010

Audience Response

This is our audience's response to both of our songs (Season's Reverse and Collide). I will post a script of this video sometime soon!

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Stop Motion!

This is our first ever attempt of stop motion, I think we did pretty good! The way it's jumpy and not completely perfect actually makes it quite good, you can tell it's stop motion and it's really quirky. We all like how this turned out and we're currently working on an new version of the same stop motion this very second!

Sunday 21 November 2010

Continental market and Belfast City Hall Lights

I got a few quick photos today of the Christmas/Continental Market in Belfast City Centre and Belfast City hall lit up at night (well, it was just tarting to get dark). It looks lovely, I can't wait to get some filming done here!

Tuesday 16 November 2010

I like the use of effects in this video and think there are some ideas that we can learn to do and put in our own video. Especially at 0.18-0.24 - an idea that we are planning to use: having pictures of Emma and Steven in a photo strip, which will be green screen and each of the pictures will be moving showing happy memories of them together. If we are unable to get a proper photo strip that looks realistic then we can just choose one photo.

I found this while browsing for techniques and tutorials on youtube and think that it is very interesting.

So far, we have filmed the start of our video where Steven and Emma are fighting. When we uploaded it onto the mac in school as a group we all agreed that it looked very narrative- just like a tytpical story between a boy and girl falling out. We want to add some more fascinating cuts into it to make it more attention-grabbing. In this video Radar Detector by Darwin Deez, between 1:48 and 2:24 there is an interesting use of cuts. I beleieve that we can create this same effect when Emma is looking at the phone. We will also have to use it in a different mood for it to tie in with our theme.

Sunday 14 November 2010

Filming session #2: Stop Motion

Ok, so we met up at my house today and done some more for our music video, only we didnt do any filming - we tried stop motion. Today was just to help us evaluate the whole stop-motion idea, i.e. what it looks like, how long it will take us, how to do it and how much work is involved in creating stop-motion. Altogether the day was successful because I think we all had some good ideas and we actually got some decent stop motion pictures. We can't wait now to get the pictures onto our Macbook now to see what it all looks like!


Everyone drew out and explained their own ideas
Catherine and I acting out for some stop-motion pictures
Sharing ideas
We finally decided to try something with the photographs Cara got printed and cut-out hearts

Starting the stop-motion pictures

Eilisha, Cara, Catherine and I all needed to help with the stop motion - it was definately not a one-man job and took surprisingly quite a long time!

Checking the pictures to make sure that we got it right

Friday 12 November 2010

Audience Feedback

Hey guys, 
We just filmed our Audience Feedback.
Pretty chuffed, ultimately we got a lot of great feedback about the idea of the video and the choice of song. 
We are currently saving our camera file as a movie file so we can upload it onto youtube and then we can post it up here, should be up by tomorrow (= 

We'll let you know (:
Bye-di-bye =]


Wednesday 10 November 2010

Lyrics of Collide

The dawn is breaking
A light shining through
You're barely waking
And I'm tangled up in you, yeah
I'm open, you're closed
Where I follow, you'll go
I worry I won't see your face
Light up again

Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the wrong words seem to rhyme
Out of the doubt that fills my mind
I somehow find you and I collide

I'm quiet you know
You make a first impression
I've found I'm scared to know
I'm always on your mind

Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the stars refuse to shine
Out of the back you fall in time
I somehow find you and I collide

Don't stop here
I lost my place
I'm close behind

Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the wrong words seem to rhyme
Out of the doubt that fills your mind
You finally find you and I collide

You finally find you and I collide
You finally find you and I collide

More Ideas

This is a students media studies coursework that I found on youtube. My group used this music video as inspiration last year but only in the fact that we were trying to narrate a similar theme using alcohol instead of drugs. I think that this year it is still useful and the idea with the photo with the green screen is a brilliant idea which we can use. It will make our music video even more interesting as what we have so far is very original. The OK GO videos which we posted on the blog at the start of the year are more popular because of the qwerky ideas in their videos than their actual music and because its such a slow song we need something to engage the audience with.

I like using this as an idea, except maybe having just a line from the song "Even the best fall down sometimes" it could be as if Steven is writing it to Emma- an apology letter, though we prefer not to have his hands showing. From previous experience with stop motion i am guessing that there will be approximately 8 frames per second. We plan to have this happening letter to letter instead of word to word like this video because it is only one short line we are filming compared to the paragraphs in this vid.

More photos taken on set

- Cara

Change of plans

So we've changed to song to something we feel fits our story line better. So on Friday we're hoping to film another audience response with the same people to see if they have a better reaction to our new song as 'Seasons Reverse' wasn't to their taste. After looking over our footage from Saturday we're going to try put more effects, camera movements etc in so it doesn't look boring or too dry. We want to avoid making it seem more like a short film. Our actors turned out really well even though Steven was drafted in last minute, they had good chemistry and were able to portray the fight scene in a belivable way. In the next post I'll upload more photos taken on set. This weekend we want to try and film in Lady Dixon with Gerard our 'Howie Day'. - Cara

Monday 8 November 2010

Pictures from filming on Saturday 6th

Cara, Catherine and I did some filming on Saturday, and although Peter (the male actor we had planned to use for our music video) was sick, we managed to find a replacement (Steven) and luckily we were able to continue with filming. Also, after editing the clips today in school, we realised that the song we had chosen was not perfect for what we were planning to do. Upon playing the clips with Seasons Reverse and then Collide by Howie Day, we unanimously agreed to switch songs but keep the same theme.

This is the first scene we filmed. Emma, our actress was brilliant and very co-operative and we did a few takes of this shot to make sure that the lighting was good and to make sure our props were doing their job (we had some minor problems with using our phones as props)

Cara and I trying to sort out props (we eventually had to film using a second phone as the first one was not suitable).

Catherine double checking the clips as the lighting had changed between shots and we had to re-take.

Cara explaining to our two actors what to do.

We tried a range of shots for this room as we found it hard to fit in Emma and Steven in the same shot because Emma was standing up and Steven was sitting down.

Catherine explaining how to act out the fight.

We had Emma slap Steven across the face... but it didn't turn out as planned!

We were careful to ensure that the continuity was perfect, as any slight movement in Emma's scarf would've been noticeable in the final product.

After filming the door slam a few times we finally took the descision to have one of us standing behind the door to make sure it slammed properly for dramatic effect.

Cara and Catherine setting up outside.

This was Emma's outfit for filming:

And we made sure that Emma and Steven wore different sets of clothes for the photographs we needed to take to use as props.
We will be using these photos or similar photos to these later on in filming to symbolise memories between the couple.


Thursday 4 November 2010

Photos (Misé-en-scene/atmosphere/angles/lighting)

Here's some photos I took last weekend. I was thinking about the use of light for our video, and I was also experimenting with the different kinds of shots we could put into it. I liked the atmosphere and mise-en-scene of these photographs, I think perfect for the theme of our video if it is possible for us to get the right weather to do it.
Sun through the trees:

I like how the sky looks in this picture, even though it is on an Autumn night:

I like how the light blurs out in the background for this picture. If it's possible for us to video something similar it would make a nice addition to the effects:

If we could get the light to shine like this on our own Skip Moses for our video, it would be great as it fits the kind of atmosphere we are looking to create:

Notice the different positions of the sun in these two pictures:

Autumn leaves:
