Friday 29 April 2011


We filmed the evaluation yesterday which went well and Catherine and I are currently editing it all using Final Cut Pro. At the minute the evaluation is looking very long - I guess we had a lot to talk about!
Anyway, we're hoping to have the evaluation completely finished by the end of the week, fingers crossed!

Also, I'm very happy with the website. I used Photoshop a lot to create logos and link buttons. The font is from and I was careful to use the right colour scheme, i.e. black/orange/yellow/white/light yellow/grey/brick red colours to match with the digipak and video.
The background is a still from the video:

and the rest of the theme is simple. For the header I used one of the images from the photoshoot. Also, we have links to Facebook, myspace and Twitter. There is a 'like' button along the sidebar as well as a Twitter feed I found online.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Production update

Currently we are busy working towards the end of our production work. We are putting in final effects to our video using Final Cut Pro and just finishing off our website filling it with content such as latest news about Howie and tour dates. We also want to add in a listening tool so fans can hear Collide and decide if they would like to buy the album using our iTunes link! We have also added a live feed to the Twitter account we have created for Howie and a tool for fans to sign up to his news letter. The digipak is finished and looking great so the only thing left is our evaluation video which we will have finished tomorrow.

- Cara

Monday 18 April 2011

Website content.

Ideas to fill up the homepage of our website:

Howie Day to play 16/12 blah blah
Listen function
'New album out now' and picture
Mailing list
iTunes - buy now
'Click here to watch interview'
little icon for Punchbag, like record company