Tuesday 29 March 2011

audience response video

Here is the link to the footage of our audience feedback for the album artwork and rough edit of the video. It can also be found on the left hand side of our blog with our other youtube videos. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYDk3B0YBW8 - Cara

Digipak Design

Today I pretty much finished the design of the digipak. I managed to use lot of photos from our photoshoot and the overall theme has turned out nicely and I know it will go well with the website and video as long as we keep it consistant and use the same photos, font and colouring.
The digipak has 6 sides and I used 5 photos from our photoshoot plus a still of one of the videos we took in the continental market, because it ties everything in together. I put some lyrics of Collide onto one of the sides.
I used Photoshop to design the digipak and I downloaded the digipak template from http://www.duplication.ca/printspecs/digipack.htm


Tuesday 22 March 2011

Audience response

Pictures from our audience response session about the album artwork and rough edit of the music video. Here you can see our panel picking their favourite images they think would be best for the album cover and their positive response to our music video. I'm currently uploading the full footage to YouTube so it will be here soon.

- Cara

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Results from audience feedback

We got great responses from our group, Ellen, Colleen, Thomas, Tim and James. They were enthusiastic and gave us insight into how our peers would react to our video and album artwork. We printed out pictures from our photoshoot, laid them out and the group picked their favourites. They loved the colours and layout of the photos but some felt more inclined towards shots of Emmet looking away or looking towards camera.
Overall, everyone was impressed with a certain close up shot of the guitar, lights, speakers and brick wall that we are going to use at the back of the album, they thought it looked very professional which was nice to hear! We also asked a few more people what they thought in order to get a wider perspective, they went for roughly the same shots with some leaning towards the ones where Emmet is writing instead of playing guitar, some of them felt they looked slightly staged. All this was really useful information and it has helped us in deciding what album cover to use.

We also showed a rough edit of our music video to the first group and they told us it would be great once editing was finished and a few things were tweaked. They liked the idea of the memories and laughed along with the funny memories at the Continental Market (mostly because they know our actors well). They were impressed by our stop motion saying it looked professional. They gave us great constructive criticism which gave us confidence in our work so far and we're striving to get the finishing touches done.

Photos and video uploaded soon
- Cara

Monday 14 March 2011

Audience Feedback

We're currently picking photographs to print out for our audience feedback that we intend to get filmed today or tomorrow.
We have a rough edit of our film which we are going to show a selective group of people with different personalities to get a different range of feedback and constructive criticism.
We hope to film in the lunch room and are going to prepare a small Questionnaire giving our audience a chance to give us some feedback to improve on or what they personally liked about our rough edit.
We shall be uploading the feedback this week along with some feedback in the Questionnaires or perhaps just scan them on. We have not decided. Hopefully all goes well and we have a large variety of different feedbacks. (:

Eilisha x

Friday 11 March 2011

Similar Artist- Gavin DeGraw

I think the genre of Gavin is similar to that of Howie, they also base their lyrics on the theme of their personal relationships.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

The meaning of the song "Collide"

Howie Day
Published on October 22, 2006 By Dusk411 In Music

Album: Stop All The World Now
Year: 2004

Howie Day’s relationship with his girlfriend is nearly over in the contemplating ballad “Collide.”

A brooding guitar and doleful strings open the single, setting a pensive tone. In the first verse, he says it’s about 8 a.m. Next to him, his girlfriend is snoring and unconscious. She never hears the alarm clock. He reaches over her and shuts it off. As usual, he slept with his arms around her. She has her arms outstretched on the pillow. It may be a small thing, but it concerns him. He thinks it’s a sign that she doesn’t want to be affectionate with him anymore. He continues to say he tells her everything and keeps her informed of his activities. However, just last night she told him she’s going out with her friends on a weekend trip in five days. Although she’s loyal, he believes she will leave him if someone better came along. Seeing her face break out into a smile is the highlight of many of his days and to lose it would shatter him.

“The dawn is breaking/A light shining through/You're barely waking/And I'm tangled up in you/Yeah/I'm open, you're closed/Where I follow, you'll go/I worry I won't see your face/Light up again.”

In the chorus, he says even great relationships get rough after a while. The bitterness behind the words keeps the conversation flowing, despite the hurt it may cause. He wonders if they should be together. The conflicts have been short but frequent over the past couple months.
“Even the best fall down sometimes/Even the wrong words seem to rhyme/Out of the doubt that fills my mind/I somehow find/You and I collide.”

In the second verse, he says he’s not talkative. It’s a quality she said she liked in him. However, that was when they first starting dating. Now, she glares him, resenting him for not speaking more. He doesn’t want to know the negative things she’s been thinking about him.
“I'm quiet you know/You make a first impression/I've found I'm scared to know I'm always on your mind.”

In the second chorus, he says there are some black days without any hope. However, when she’s not around him, she’s happier and returns to the girl he first met.
“Even the best fall down sometimes/Even the stars refuse to shine/Out of the back you fall in time/I somehow find/You and I collide.”

In the bridge, he beseeches her to keep trying and not give up. He isn’t sure where he’s going and confused about the future. He needs her around for moral support.
“Don’t stop here/I lost my place/I’m close behind.”

The doleful strings have a solo.

In the third verse, he says she’s wondering about the state of their relationship also. She’s realized they’ve grown apart. The frown on her face says it all as she moved her pillow and blanket into the living room. Within a week, she will be gone from his life.
“Even the best fall down sometimes/Even the wrong words seem to rhyme/Out of the doubt that fills your mind/You finally find/You and I collide/You finally find/You and I collide/You finally find/You and I collide.”

At first, Day thought her anger towards him was the result of her job. But during the two years they’ve been dating, she’s since quit the job and working at another, where she is flourishing. She doesn’t try to find activities for them to do anymore as a couple and their sex life is nonexistent. Their relationship is destroyed, he believes, for his stoic demeanor.

Day’s willful, quenchless vocals are desperate and withdrawn. It’s his fault for being inscrutuable and difficult to get to know. Now, that he’s opened up to her, it’s too late. The distress is more than he can bear. He wants her to stay.

The reserved arrangement represses and evades from emotion, isolating in its own self-pity.

Official websites of singer/songwriters

To get an idea of what our website should have and appropriate themes I browsed through various websites. Using screenium, I was able to take a 30sec recording of each of the websites which I exported onto youtube and then posted here on the blog.
I find it useful as it to show how the use of links, video etc

TYLER HILTON: http://www.tylerhilton.com/

JAMES BLUNT: http://www.jamesblunt.com/

DANIEL BEDINGFIELD: http://www.danielbedingfield.com

IAIN ARCHER:http://www.iainarcher.co.uk/

HOWIE DAY: http://www.howieday.com/

This is the official website of Howie Day!

Sunday 6 March 2011


Editing is going well at the minute, Cara has done a good bit of editing and we are well on track! Catherine and I are currently using Final Cut Pro on the Mac to create the 'Split Screen' effect, which is going well. Next up we're hoping to sync the music to Emmets mouthing of the words. Hopefully we'll have this done soon and we'll be able to piece the whole thing together!
I'll be working on the website this week as well as working on Photoshop to edit some of the photographs for our Digipak, it looks like everything is coming together now!