Thursday 14 October 2010

Email I sent to LaFaro

Hey guys, I got your reply on twitter, thanks very much for getting back to me :)

I know Jonny is on tour with LaFaro at the minute so probably doesn't get his emails/facebook messages etc, but we'd love to get some more info on Jonny if that's ok, specifically on Skip Moses. We're doing some A-Level coursework for our media studies class in Rathmore Grammar School in Belfast and we're hoping to make a music video for Seasons Reverse (we have permission to use this from Small Town America, we hope to have your permission too :D). If by any chance Jonny could let us know more about Skip Moses or anything, throw us a reply :)
If we get some info and end up making the music video, we'll send you a link sure :)

Aisling, Catherine, Eilisha and Cara

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